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Frequently Asked Questions

How do you reach us?


You can reach us by phone at 337-484-3244, email us, or message us on Facebook

Weather Closures?

In the event that the gym must be closed due to inclement weather, we will email, text, and post on Facebook about the details of the closure. If your child is already at practice and weather causes us to end practice early, we will contact you via text and/or phone call to pick up your child.  Please be sure to have a current phone number in our system. 

Holiday Closures?

We at LSA follow the Lafayette Parish School System schedule and close during all major holidays. These holidays are accounted for in our calendar. We will post and/or send home a reminder before every holiday. You can view all holidays in our 2023-2024 gym calendar located on the Calendar tab of our website.

Class Questions?

1. When do you take enrollments?

We are always taking enrollments. 

2. Do you have make-up classes?

Yes, we offer make-up classes during holiday breaks. You will be contacted when a makeup week is scheduled. It will run as a normal week of classes and you will have to reserve your spot in the office. 


4. What does my child need to wear to class?

For girls: leotards are required for ages 12 and under.  
For boys: t-shirt and shorts.
We have shelves in the lobby for their shoes. 


5. Do you have FREE  trial classes?

We would love for you try out a class before you register. Trials are only permitted in classes that can allow an extra child in the class. Email us or call us at 337-484-3244 to see if we can get something set up.


6. I'm not sure what class to enroll my child in, how do I know which one to choose?

We are more than happy to help you decide. We can easily evaluate them which will help us determine what class to enroll her/him in. Email us or call us at 337-484-3244 to set something up.


7. At what age can I sign my child up?
We offer classes for almost everyone. Starting at 18 months they can go into Baby Warrior classes. Once they hit 3 years old they can move to the preschool classes. Email us for more information.

8. What is End of Year (EOY) Performances?

This is a day where we invite the parent's, grandparent's, etc. to come watch their child(ren) show off their new skills that they learned at the end of each session. The dates are tentative but can be found on our 2023-2024 gym calendar located on the Calendar tab of our website. 

Didn't answer your question? Use the contact us form on the website to submit any other questions you may have! You may just see it added to the list above.

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